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24 Dunsgreen Court, Newcastle Upon Tyne


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Property attributes
Year built
Floor area
280 sqm
Habitable rooms

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24 Dunsgreen Court, Newcastle Upon Tyne is a 2 Bedroom Flat property located at the NE20 9EX postcode. It is held under Leasehold tenureship. It is within tax band B.

This property was built around 1983-1990. It has an internal floor area of 280m2.

Compared to other properties of the same type in the surrounding area, this property is less expensive than the average.
Current value
The current sale valuation for this property is £119,000, and the current rental valuation is £476 pcm.
Current status
Owner is not known to be planning to move.
Listing history
From PropertyHeads Group Data and status updates you have sent us
Source Date Action Price
PropertyHeads 2018-01-05 Listed £126,250
PropertyHeads 2014-09-01 Listed £139,995
PropertyHeads 2014-08-27 Listed £595
PropertyHeads 2014-06-30 Listed £595
PropertyHeads 2014-06-28 Listed £595
PropertyHeads 2014-03-16 Listed £625
PropertyHeads 2014-02-11 Listed £145,000
PropertyHeads 2012-09-14 Listed £129,950
PropertyHeads 2012-05-29 Listed £140,000
PropertyHeads 2011-06-30 Listed £125,000
PropertyHeads 2008-06-09 Listed £125,000
Transaction history
From HM Land Registry
Date Price
2012-03-15 £95,000
2001-06-05 £64,500
This property is of average energy efficiency with an energy rating of C
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